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Has Putin Actually Helped Bulgaria by Halting the Russian Gas Supply?

Has Putin Actually Helped Bulgaria by Halting the Russian Gas Supply?

Two weeks ago, the Russian Gazprom announced that it would no longer deliver gas to Poland and Bulgaria. The reason - the sanctions towards the Russian Federation. But did the Bulgarian people actually need this to happen?

Odesa, Ukraine: Easter in Times of War

Odesa, Ukraine: Easter in Times of War

The port city of Odessa seemed like a place where Ukrainians could still retreat to in some safety from Russian troop attacks. Until yesterday, on the last day of the Holy Week of Easter, a multi-missile attack hit, among other things, a block of flats in a residential area.


Hungarian Parliamentary Elections 2022. How Sunday's Optimism Turned Into Monday's Pessimism

Hungarian Parliamentary Elections 2022. How Sunday's Optimism Turned Into Monday's Pessimism

Budapest, Hungary. If it weren't for the blossoming trees, you'd swear it was November, not late March. But you certainly wouldn't be able to miss the fact that something is about to happen in the city. A politician is watching you from every lamppost on the street.


Moldova: What is Transnistria Preparing For?

Moldova: What is Transnistria Preparing For?

What is really happening in Transnistria and who was behind the recent attacks?


Emilia Șercan: “State authorities have orchestrated a kompromat operation against me. Now they’re trying to cover it up."

Emilia Șercan: “State authorities have orchestrated a kompromat operation against me. Now they’re trying to cover it up."

This text is about the way in which an investigative journalist is being threatened, harassed, intimidated and discredited - not by representatives of organized crime groups, but with the intercession and complicity of Romanian state officials!


The Ukrainian diaspora in Athens: "My brother is 25, he is a programmer and today he went to war"

The Ukrainian diaspora in Athens: "My brother is 25, he is a programmer and today he went to war"

The Ukrainian diaspora has been protesting for more than a week against Putin's aggression and the Russian invasion, which are now endangering the lives of their families back home.
