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Correspondence from Chișinău: “We're in an extremely active phase of a real political war. (…) Putin wants to attack Moldova, be it in two or ten years”

Correspondence from Chișinău: “We're in an extremely active phase of a real political war. (…) Putin wants to attack Moldova, be it in two or ten years”

From a military standpoint, the Russians currently cannot attack the Republic of Moldova. However, Putin has a long-term strategy and remains committed to his war objectives. He is already laying the groundwork. A visit to Chișinău reveals how he is getting assistance from within.

Green Energy on Apartment Blocks: Harnessing Electricity and Heat from Romania's Communist-Era Building Terraces

Green Energy on Apartment Blocks: Harnessing Electricity and Heat from Romania's Communist-Era Building Terraces

There are about 100,000 apartment blocks in Romania that could produce green energy, according to the National Institute of Statistics. The solution lies in installing photovoltaic panels on the terraces of these apartment blocks to capture and convert solar energy into electricity. In reality, however, individuals who want to undertake this face several obstacles, ranging from the absence of a national program to cover the investment costs to authorities shirking responsibility.


Coal Mining Expansion Leads to Deforestation: Over 470 Hectares of Forest Cut Down in Gorj, Romania

Coal Mining Expansion Leads to Deforestation: Over 470 Hectares of Forest Cut Down in Gorj, Romania

Over the past six years, more than 470 hectares of national forest land have been allocated by the government, without compensation, to the Oltenia Energy Complex (CEO) for the expansion or opening of new coal mines.


NATO exercise in Borcea with F-16 jets – Romania in the geopolitical centre. But is the country ready to lead?

NATO exercise in Borcea with F-16 jets – Romania in the geopolitical centre. But is the country ready to lead?

NATO exercise in Borcea with F-16 jets – Romania in the geopolitical centre. But is the country ready to lead?

The not-so-green Romania. The state delays settlements for photovoltaic panels by 2 years

The not-so-green Romania. The state delays settlements for photovoltaic panels by 2 years

PressOne reviews the main dysfunctions in the production, consumption and distribution of energy from renewable sources, as revealed by discussions with consumers and data provided by official sources at the request of our editorial office.


"Professional reconversion has failed when miners are retrained as barbers". Romanian counties receiving over €2 billion from the EU for more green

"Professional reconversion has failed when miners are retrained as barbers". Romanian counties receiving over €2 billion from the EU for more green

In addition to EU structural and investment funds, from 2021 Romania also has access to money from the Just Transition Programme. What does this programme mean, how much money can Romania actually receive and what is it earmarked for?


"The Gang of Five". How President Erdogan is building his influence in Romania and the world through construction companies loyal to the regime

"The Gang of Five". How President Erdogan is building his influence in Romania and the world through construction companies loyal to the regime

What is Romania's interest in welcoming Turkish infrastructure firms in tenders, despite allegations of corruption in Turkey? "Romania cannot afford to have bad relations with Turkey," says one security expert. Unlike the EU as a whole, which may view cooperation with Ankara in economic terms, for Romania a good relationship with Turkey means first and foremost a guarantee of security on the Black Sea.


Turkish motorways on European money. How Erdogan's home companies are building Romania's roads

Turkish motorways on European money. How Erdogan's home companies are building Romania's roads

The number of Turkish construction companies building large infrastructure projects in Romania has increased at least fivefold in the last two years. We wanted to see who these companies are and what their history and relationship with President Erdogan's regime is.


Stadium geopolitics: how the media in Serbia and Kosovo reacted to the scandal caused by Romanian ultras in Bucharest

Stadium geopolitics: how the media in Serbia and Kosovo reacted to the scandal caused by Romanian ultras in Bucharest

Nurturing nationalism in stadiums across the Balkans is not uncommon. When it comes to Serbia, there is hardly a match without the chanting of "Kosovo is Serbia". Foreign fans are aware of this as well. Hooligans from countries that do not recognize Kosovo, such as Slovakia, Greece, Cyprus, and Romania, never miss an opportunity to show their devotion to the home fans by chanting about Serbian Kosovo.


Erdogan's last battle for power. Who is the Turkish president, how did he come to power and what are his chances to win the elections again?

Erdogan's last battle for power. Who is the Turkish president, how did he come to power and what are his chances to win the elections again?

For many, he is an autocrat, but his fans see him as Turkey's saviour. In the course of his 20 years in power, Recep Tayyip Erdogan went from being a beacon of hope to a divider. He has always held all the strings - until now. Can he defend his power once more?

School shooting in Serbia. The unprecedented tragedy and its unethical approach by the media and the politicians 

School shooting in Serbia. The unprecedented tragedy and its unethical approach by the media and the politicians 

The tragedies that shook Serbia are now being cynically exploited by much of the media, the president and other authorities. Everyone wants to gain something, but no one wants to take responsibility.


Romania burns (I). How the Danube Delta found itself on the bushfire map of Europe: "Boatmen are using fire to get rid of reeds"

Romania burns (I). How the Danube Delta found itself on the bushfire map of Europe: "Boatmen are using fire to get rid of reeds"

A satellite view from the European Forest Fire Information System shows a delta full of colour. What is striking is not so much the green of the reeds but that of the burnt areas. A 2020 European report shows that Romania is responsible for almost half of all fires in protected areas in Europe, merely due to fires in this delta.


Drug scarcities: Why medicines are still in short supply. A cross-border investigation

Drug scarcities: Why medicines are still in short supply. A cross-border investigation

Over the past 20 years, Europe has seen a 20-fold increase in drug shortages. Governments, including Romania’s, have used the Ukraine war and the energy crisis to obscure other – mostly structural – causes. This Europe-wide investigation (in which PressOne participated) reveals a range of explanations for Europe’s missing medicines.

Predator's control center has its roots in Skopje

Predator's control center has its roots in Skopje

Local regulators in North Macedonia turned a blind eye to Predator's development on their territory. A revealing investigation resulting from a partnership between Inside Story in Athens and the Investigative Reporting Lab in Skopje.
